What’s an ARC Team member? You get the final version of each book (release version) several weeks prior to release in exchange for helping with getting the word out by writing reviews.
1. Please only sign up if you’re a fan of my writing. I have limited spaces available and would like to reserve these for readers who love my writing.
2. Members are not required to review every book, but may lose their spot on the review team if they don’t review at all over a certain period of time (depending on book).
3. The reviewer normally has up to 3 weeks to read, review and post the review to Amazon.
4. Members are asked to submit the link to their posted review for every book they request to review.
5. Ebooks are available in MOBI or EPUB formats only (via book funnel).
If this works for you, then click HERE. You won’t receive any other emails on this list now except announcements of the ARC for the next new release. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and review my books!